Preventative Care & Exams

You love your cat and dog, and you want to do everything possible to make sure they live long and healthy lives. Unfortunately, if you don't take your pet to a veterinarian to receive much needed care, there is a possibility you could be negatively impacting your pet's life. As a pet owner, it's important to follow up with preventative care and pet exam visits.

At Liberty Vet Pets, we offer a full range of services in Philadelphia, PA, so your pet can see our veterinarian even if they're too scared to visit the office. By getting routine vaccinations, shots, exams, and tests, your pet's health can always be monitored and preserved.

Preventative Care & Exams

Why Visit Our Animal Hospital? 

It's important to take your pet to visit our animal hospital for both emergencies and non-emergencies alike. Your pet will need to take part in an annual pet exam in order to check on the status of their health. These pet exams will involve:

  • A dental checkup
  • A physical exam of their body
  • Possible bloodwork to check for diseases
  • Flea and tick prevention
  • Vaccinations
  • Updated shots

All these procedures are essential to keep your pet safe and healthy. Without visiting a veterinarian, your pet might be suffering from a disease, such as cancer or diabetes, without your knowledge, leaving their disease to progress and worsen.

What if I Have Trouble Seeing a Veterinarian?

Even if your pet has a terrible amount of anxiety, it's important to find ways to get them to our veterinarian. If you yourself are unable to visit the veterinarian due to mobility issues, there are solutions.

Luckily, house calls are readily available for pet owners and are an excellent choice for anxious pets. Having our veterinarian visit a pet at home for house calls is much easier than forcing your pet to go to an animal hospital. A mobile vet also allows you, as a pet owner, to stay in the comfort of your own home while still providing care for your pet.

Get the Help Your Pet Needs with Us at Liberty Vet Pets

At Liberty Vet Pets in Philadelphia, PA, we want you to feel safe and secure knowing your pet is getting the preventative care they need to stay healthy. Call us today and we can come to you and still provide high-quality services with our mobile vet. Schedule an appointment at (888) 458-8587.

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