Pet Surgery and Urgent Care

Whether your pet a broken bone or a decayed tooth, he or she may need surgery. At Liberty Vet Pets in Philadelphia, PA, we perform various procedures, including spay and neuter, mass removals, and extractions, to improve your cat or dog’s overall health. Before you visit us, learn more about pet surgery below:


Importance of Pet Surgery

Surgery is essential for pets for several reasons. It can alleviate pain and discomfort, improve quality of life, and in many cases, prolong the lifespan of our furry friends. From routine dental procedures to intricate orthopedic surgeries, each intervention helps improve functionality and well-being.

Common Pet Surgeries

Pet surgeries encompass a wide range of procedures that address specific conditions and needs. Some of the most common types include spaying and neutering, dental surgeries, tumor removal, ACL repairs, and urinary tract surgeries. Our veterinarian handles each type with care and precision for the best possible outcome for the patient.

The Surgical Process

During the surgical procedure, pets are placed under anesthesia to ensure they remain still and pain-free throughout the operation. Advanced monitoring equipment is used to monitor vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels during the procedure. Depending on the complexity of the surgery, it may take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours to complete.

Postoperative Care

Following surgery, pets require diligent post-operative care to heal and reduce the risk of complications. This may include administering pain medication, providing a comfortable recovery area, and monitoring for any signs of discomfort or infection. Follow-up appointments with our veterinarian may also be necessary to assess the pet's progress and remove any stitches or staples.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today

Whether your pet needs a routine procedure or a more complex surgery, our team at Liberty Vet Pets in Philadelphia, PA, is happy to help.  We are committed to providing quality care for your furry friends and enhancing their well-being. To schedule your appointment, contact our office at (888) 458-8587 today. When you’re looking for a veterinarian near me, we are ready to assist you!

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